The Award Winning Author

Carmen Everall is a compassionate and dedicated practitioner who has made it her life’s mission to empower you on your journey to healing and self-discovery. As a Clinical Mental Health Therapist, licensed as a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor (RTC), Certified Body-Mind Therapist (BMT), Certified Cognitive Behavior Therapist (CBT), Brainspotting Facilitator for Trauma, Reiki Master for Energy Healing, Meditation Teacher and Chi Kung Practitioner, Carmen possesses a unique and holistic approach to therapeutic wellness.

Carmen’s extensive training and experience have shaped her into a versatile practitioner to help you, with a deep understanding of the interconnectedness between the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions of well-being. Her commitment to guiding you on your path to healing and growth has culminated in her groundbreaking work, “The Spiritual Warrior Guide to Healing.”

As the author of this transformative book, she draws upon her ancestral roots, therapeutic expertise, and profound personal journey to introduce her P.E.M.S.™ 4 Pillar Therapeutic Wellness System to you. This system harmonizes the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of healing, providing you with a comprehensive guide to restoring balance to your body, mind, and soul.

What sets Carmen apart is her authentic voice and relatable storytelling. She openly shares her own struggles, pain and vulnerabilities, and traumas to triumph, making her message a compelling and accessible source of inspiration for you. Through her personal journey, Carmen emphasizes that our wounds do not define us; they can be catalysts for profound growth.

“The Spiritual Warrior Guide to Healing” is more than just a book; it is a path to healing, guiding you toward a life of profound wellness, transformation, and empowerment for anxiety, depression, stress and trauma. Carmen’s companion workbook complements this book, offering you additional practical tools and exercises to support your healing journey.

Carmen Everall invites you to embrace your inner warrior, confront your past with courage, and embrace self-love and self-compassion. Her wisdom, experience, and guidance offer you the gift of transformation. The goal is that you accept it with an open heart and curiosity and begin or continue your journey toward healing, wholeness, acceptance and joy!

The Spiritual Warrior Guide to Healing

Introducing P.E.M.S.™ 4 Pillar Therapeutic Wellness System

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